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Wedding Day / Veselka  

CZ | 2017 | 3:13 min | Animation | Director: Zuzana Čupová

Inspired by the Czech folk dance Furiant and folk embroidery, the movie tells the story about newlyweds separated from each other at wedding revelry by overjoyed wedding guests.

Awaker /  Prebúdzač

CZ | 2017 | 9:30 min | Animation | Director: Filip Diviak

An old man works as an awaker, waking people up in a cold Nordic country in the early 19th Century. His life is always the same — until one day he gets a shiny old bell.

The House / Domek

CZ | 2016 | 5 min | Animation | Director: Veronika Zacharová

A family leaves their small suburban home, something the house cannot abide. Thus begins its journey to find the family. The one clue left to the house is a shiny red business card.

The Little One /  Malá

CZ | 2017 | 10 min | Animation | Director: Diana Cam Van Nguyen

A Vietnamese girl grows up in a European town. As she gets used to what it means to be both at home and a stranger at the same time, her family heads toward a fatal decision. Who will leave? Who will stay? Who is at home here?

The Truck / Kamion

CZ | 2017 | 9 min | Fiction | Director: Adam Mach & Michal Blaško

An abandoned truck sits along the highway, parked by a forest, outside the parking lot. The license plate is foreign. The driver did all he could to prepare for this special journey, but some unexpected events occurred along the way.

Strawberry Days /  Jahodové dni

SK |2016 | 13:25 min | Animation | Director: Eva Sekerešová

Living an ordinary life in the company of hallucinating babbler can be really difficult…

39 Weeks, 6 Days / 39 Weeks, 6 Days

SK | 2017 | 7:50 min | Animation | Director: Joanna Kozuch & Boris Sima

                    In the beginning there was nothing. At the end we gave birth to our daughter Mila.

Night in a Hotel: Room No.306 / Noc v hoteli

SK | 2014 | 6:45 min |Fiction | Director:  Martin Hnát

                    Two lowers entwined in one hotel room with their future and present happening at once.

Tots / Drobci         

SK | 2016 | 8 min | Animation | Director: Vanda Raýmanová

                    What happens when rascal Ben and know-all Tom play together.

Mimi & Lisa / Mimi a Líza        

SK | 2016 | 1:38 min | Animation | Director: Katarína Kerekesová

                    Anything can happen with your eyes closed!

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